Sunday, September 25, 2011

Today I am going to tell you about a very horrible day. This is perhaps the most dreaded day of my entire life. It has happened once a year every year since kindergarten. Its a day I have always attempted to avoid, but even here in my own little Paradise it has somehow managed to find me. . .

Picture day. BLARG. I cannot describe my complete hatred for this photo, but for memory keepings sake, I'm gonna sacrifice my pride and put it on here anyway.

This is my class. Aren't we cute?  This is how we look when told to sit still for the camera. . .

. . . But this is a lot more characteristic =] I'd tell you thier names, but they are all cool guy foreign names and I'm afraid I'm gonna spell them wrong. It is enough to tell you that they are freaking awesome people, and I pretty much love them.

I don't know why I thought I was done with this whole Picture Day thing. I guess I was just getting so used to how perfect this place is that I assumed it really was created for me and that there would be no imperfections in my Paradise like Picture taking. (Yuck). Evidentally, I was wrong. But hey, as long as I get to make that face ^^^ for the camera, I will survive. =]


Kim September 25, 2011 at 6:32 AM  

I love it! And you take an excellent school picture, darlin'. You should take a look at some of mine sometime. Tragic. Love you! So glad you have those group pictures forever.

Morgan Glover,  September 25, 2011 at 7:33 AM  

Mom, I've seen some of those pictures. You have always been gorgeous. . . Even with your pile of curls a mile high and goofy braces ;P Love you

Morgan Glover,  September 25, 2011 at 7:38 AM  

Oh, oh! And look how long my hair is now! :) It looks hagard in this picture, but its long!

Linds and Walt September 25, 2011 at 9:20 AM  

You are goi-gous my darlin. I wish I took pictures HALF as good as you. :)

p.s. That looks like a really fun group of people. I'm glad you are loving it there!

Gail September 25, 2011 at 7:01 PM  

Love the look! And the girl!

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