The Little Things
Sunday, October 2, 2011
So I've been sitting here for about ten minutes trying to find the words to explain to you how completely epic my latest adventures have been, but I couldn't. Then I realized I was going about it all wrong. I was looking for one single event of epicocity to completely dazzle you with its epicness, when its really the little things that are making my life so great. So this post is dedicated to the little things.
Like. . .
Sleeping in THREE times in one week. (Thats not even including the weekend. Yeah, be jealous). Normally I have to drag myself out of bed before the sun has even bothered to show her face to be able to get to school on time. However, this week my school had this random little field trip thing they called "Speak Academy". Basically they went to another school for a day, then a few days later the same school came to us and they all just played around.
The problem was, everyone was required to speak Dutch for the entire day. Seeing as how I can hardly keep up with the ordinary every day French, I wasn't even going to attempt a day of Dutch. SO I slept until noon and enjoyed a relaxing day of solitude.
It was exactly what I needed. I didn't realize how completely worn out I was. This whole learning French thing is exhausting! I am in a constant state of confusion. I try to focus on understanding, but it seems like the more I consentrate, the more I get lost in the rhythm of the language. (French is a beautiful language, its really hard NOT to me hypnotized when you are surrounded by such a pretty thing.)
And. . .
Cool guy pens that make me giggle with joy every time I have an excuse to use one. They don't use ballpoint pens here. They have these awesome "plume" pens with thier cool little tip that make the things you write all flowy and cool looking. =]
And. . .
My awesome bike with its cute little basket that makes me feel like a character from a Mother Goose rhyme, which I rode to the Market to buy. . .
the most sinfully delicious thing man has ever created. This bread is to DIE for. So good. (Oh, and did I mention I ordered it all by myself? In FRENCH. That, my friend, is what we call happiness.)
And. . .
Lamp posts. I have discovered I have a little bit of an obsession for these things. Don't ask me why, I don't have the answer. I just love them. I think its because I have a little bit too much of my Dad in me. I like to imagine that they are some kind of mystical link to another dimension and that I can somehow harness their epic powers of awesomeness.
But the biggest little-thing of them all that makes my life here absolutely wonderful are my epically awesome friends. . . who take me to epically awesome things.
Okay, so maybe that last one wasn't exactly "little", but it definitely deserved to be mentioned. Add all these things together and you've got yourself one epic Student Exchange. =]